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'Realising potential through collaboration and partnership'

ASO for Headteachers

The Additional Support Offer 


The Additional Support Offer is a 12-month programme which provides targeted support to new headteachers to help you achieve success while early in the role. You will receive a bespoke programme of support that comprises five hours of one to one coaching with an experienced school leader along with complementary support which can include an online community for support and sharing ideas and guided visits to schools to explore other heads’ leadership on the ground


Who is eligible for the Additional Support Offer?


To be eligible for the Additional Support Offer you must:

  • Be a headteacher in a state school when you begin the training.
  • Be within the first two years of your headship when you begin.
  • Either have taken the NPQH before beginning your headship, or are currently taking the NPQH.
  • Have not previously withdrawn from the Additional Support Offer